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Receive free PSN codes and PSN gift card to unlock all games from the Playstation Store



Choose a free PSN card below.


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How it works ?

With PSN Code Generator, you can get free psn codes by following the instructions. 
This PSN codes can only be used once and they expire after use. the codes are valid in all countries, and they will be automatically unlocked to you after the verification.

How to proceed?

What are the next steps to take?

The instructions are presented in 3 steps below, follow them if you need advice?

Choose your PSN card

Select a card between $ 10 and $ 50 on the home page, 
Once the card has been selected, a code will be displayed with the latest 4 digits missing.
 To unlock these 4 digits, follow the instructions on the next step.

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Unlock your PSN card 

To unlock your PSN gift card, simply complete one of the free offers (survey) available. 
Depending on the country, the mobiles offers change, but this does not affect receipt of the PSN gift card. 
There are several types of offers.: 
- - Mobile offers (PIN), which are only completed by a mobile phone number (available in Europe). To avoid paying for these offers, just send "STOP" to the received message after receiving the free PSN code. 
- Email Submit: Free offer which consists of answering a form (Name, First name, Email, Address, Number ...) All you have to do is answer the questions and unlock your PSN gift card.

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Activate your PSN card

Once you have obtained your free PSN code, simply go to the "Playstation Store Mobile" or your Playstation Store account from your console to enter the PSN code. 
Go to menu > Store > My account > Use a code > Enter your prepaid code
Now enter your code ! 
The Funds or your Playstation Plus subscription have been added to your PSN Account

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Trademark Notice


PSNReward gives you the opportunity to obtain free PlayStation or PSN gift cards, purchased from an authorized seller. The terms "PlayStation" and "PSN" are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. These marks are used for fair purposes. PlayStation, PSN, and Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC. are in no way sponsors of the rewards or affiliated with hacksgame.online

Contact us

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly from this form.